
APC Product Quotation and Offers Premium Service Fees


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  • Assured Best offers and discounts up to 5 % to 40%  depending on the products.
  • Additional discount of double the amount of the quote fee paid after closing the deal with estorewale.
  • Assured Priority Service and response for all the emails and queries within 4 hours.
  • Best suggestions and evaluation of competitive quotes.
  • Help to match the pricing provided by the competitors in case of minor variation in pricing.

342.00 490.00


estorewale offers the best prices for all its customers.  estorewale puts its best efforts to offer quotes for every requirement of the customer who provides complete details such as their complete address, GST details.

To gain the seriousness of both the seller and the buyer estorewale offers, “Product quotation/offer fees” which will be discounted while placing the actual purchase.

Advantages :

  • Assured Best offers and discounts up to 5 % to 40%  depending on the products.
  • Additional discount of double the amount of the quote fee paid after closing the deal.
  • Assured Priority Service and response for all the emails and queries within 4 hours.
  • Best suggestions and evaluation of competitive quotes.
  • Help to match the pricing provided by the competitors in case of minor variation in pricing.



SKU: Support-Charges-backups-1 Category:



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342.00 for 1 item(s)